Stop Doing That!

We all need people in our lives who have the courage to let us know when we've done something we shouldn't. It's equally wise to have an Advisor who can speak truth to you when it comes to your finances.

Money Can’t Buy Happiness, or Can It

The book Happy Money: The Science of Happier Spending by Elizabeth Dunn & Michael Norton has changed the way I think and feel about spending. It’s based on academic research that identifies ways that spending can increase our joy, something I didn’t think possible before reading this book!

Give. Laugh. Love.

Legacy is a strange topic. We all think about it, but it means something different to everybody. How do you want to be remembered?

What is your Legacy?

We create a legacy through a long series of intentional choices. Discussing things that are more important than investment returns and account allocations, leaning into the heart of things that really matter and put together a plan to achieve those things.

Savings Ho!

It has been eight years, but the memories are still fresh! My wife and I loaded our four daughters into our Dodge Grand Caravan and headed west for our long-anticipated “Westward Ho!” journey. As we crossed the great plains into the Rockies and traversed the high desert of New Mexico into the arid Arizona desert, we laughed, fought, slept, played games, and created incredible memories.