Happy 401(k) Day! Yes, It’s a Holiday!

Happy National 401(k) Day! As we take today to celebrate 401k’s, it’s important to consider the increasing challenges employees in our country face when it comes to retirement readiness. 

Give. Laugh. Love.

Legacy is a strange topic. We all think about it, but it means something different to everybody. How do you want to be remembered?

Getting Rid of Debt Can Help You Save

At the end of 2021, outstanding consumer debt in the United States, including mortgages, student loans, auto loans, credit cards, etc., totaled $15.6 trillion, which equates to about $50,000 per American. Clearly, we are no strangers to debt. Ultimately, getting rid of consumeristic debt will help you save and accomplish your goals. 

Game Saving Plays for 2021 Financial Planning

Once the proverbial game clock expires on December 31st, our financial decisions are, for the most part, locked in. There’s no going back. Here are some suggestions to consider for your savings and/or to mitigate the tax bite for 2021.

Asking the Right Question

As a paramedic, my dad built a career out of caring for people, and in virtually every instance, did so by starting with one simple question: "What hurts?" For over 30 years now at Foster Group, we've been asking the same question. 

Are Those Happy Tears?

Tears, bottles, diaper changes, onesies, little fingers, and strange sleep schedules – as many of you know, these are just a few of the things to expect when you bring home your newborn from the hospital. And here’s something else to expect: new tax credits! While I know good parents don’t have kids to lower their tax bill, it’s nice of the US Government to extend a bit of kindness to those taking on the heartache – and joy! – of becoming parents.

Analyzing the American Families Plan Tax Proposal

After months of speculation, on September 13th, the House Ways and Means Committee released a proposal for tax reform effective in 2022 (and possibly in 2021 for selected provisions). The proposal contains a number of provisions that were expected, and a few surprises that we did not expect. 

Alphabet Soup

Many industries use acronyms. Financial services are no different: QCD, RMD, DAF, and IRA to name a few. They each have their own rules and guidelines. We enjoy working with clients on a daily basis to help make sense of these terms.