Chart of the Month – July 2022

Sooner or later, we're likely going to see demand cool off. The big question is how quickly inflation alters consumer spending and how quickly that pulls back inflation.

Chart of the Month – Nov 2022

The past fifteen years have been phenomenal for U.S. stocks. They've outperformed international stocks by close to 200%. Unfortunately, no one can predict when international stocks will outperform U.S. stocks, or vice-versa.

Chart of the Month – Jan 2023

It's natural to sit down at the end of the year and reflect on what happened. Here is a short recap of what happened in the markets and the world in 2022.

Chart of the Month – Sept 2022

Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, gas prices spiked to a nationwide peak of $5.02/gallon on June 13, 2022. Since then, the price of gas has been coming down, but the discussions about it have not slowed at all.

Chart of the Month – Apr 2023

"Why would anyone buy a 5-year bond at 3.5% when you could get a 1-year bond at 4%?"

"Why don't I put all my money in a 4-month T-bill and make 4.9%?"

Chart of the Month – May 2023

In investing, a key consideration is the time horizon. There is a general perception that investing is a risky proposition, but this risk can be mitigated by holding investments for longer periods. 

Chart of the Month – July 2023

The latest consumer price index report has brought some positive news regarding inflation in the United States. Several factors played a role in the moderation of inflation.

Chart of the Month – June 2023

This year’s stock market narrative is a tale of two markets. On one side, a handful of prominent technology companies is flourishing while on the other side, everything else is struggling to keep up. Here we will assess the data.

Fitch Downgrade – A Closer Look

Fitch, downgraded US government debt from its pristine AAA rating to one notch lower at AA+. The Fitch downgrade serves as a reminder of the necessity of diversification, as no investment is entirely risk-free. 

Chart of the Month – Sept 2022

Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, gas prices spiked to a nationwide peak of $5.02/gallon on June 13, 2022. Since then, the price of gas has been coming down, but the discussions about it have not slowed at all.

Chart of the Month – Nov 2022

The past fifteen years have been phenomenal for U.S. stocks. They've outperformed international stocks by close to 200%. Unfortunately, no one can predict when international stocks will outperform U.S. stocks, or vice-versa.

Chart of the Month – Jan 2023

It's natural to sit down at the end of the year and reflect on what happened. Here is a short recap of what happened in the markets and the world in 2022.

Chart of the Month – Apr 2023

"Why would anyone buy a 5-year bond at 3.5% when you could get a 1-year bond at 4%?"

"Why don't I put all my money in a 4-month T-bill and make 4.9%?"

Chart of the Month – May 2023

In investing, a key consideration is the time horizon. There is a general perception that investing is a risky proposition, but this risk can be mitigated by holding investments for longer periods. 

Inflation? We’ve planned for this.

Inflation has been a hot topic in recent years, often misunderstood and heavily debated. Attempting to stay ahead of inflation is one of the biggest reasons to invest over the long term. Let’s break it down and focus on what really matters.

Spring Clean Your Financial Plan

You can’t have spring without spring cleaning. As you tackle your home, yard, and other spaces this year, your financial plan might also need to be spruced up. Here are a few tips to clean up your financial plan this spring.

Bear Markets and Life Jackets

For anyone invested right now, it feels like we’re sinking. But just as boats have lifejackets to keep you afloat, your financial life should have its own lifejackets in place to help keep you from sinking in bear market times like these.

Keep Your Eyes on the Horizon and Wings Level

We often get asked by clients about different ideas they heard from a friend, a new exclusive deal they got invited into, or, most frequently, a specific company or stock that a friend gave them the scoop on. The reality is that a lot of the “great ideas and deals” never amount to any real return, and many end up going to zero.