Chart of the Month – May 2024

While cash may offer stability and security in the short term, the DFA Returns Web chart from 1926 through February 2024 suggests that the growth potential in stocks offers a higher rewarding investment opportunity in the long run.

Embracing Uncertainty

Educated optimism is an antidote for anxious uncertainty, and it can be of great help in enabling investors to embrace the uncertainty that is with us all the time.

Chart of the Month – April 2024

Trying to time the market and choosing to sell in reaction to headlines tends to be a predictable mistake. There always seems to be a reason to sell. 

Chart of the Month – March 2024

Many people are apprehensive about the markets, whether we’re in a bear market or a bull market. The fear of a market correction is always present.

The Seesaw of Finance

There are parallels between concepts in finance and concepts in physics. Let's take a look.

Chart of the Month – March 2024

Many people are apprehensive about the markets, whether we’re in a bear market or a bull market. The fear of a market correction is always present.

The Seesaw of Finance

There are parallels between concepts in finance and concepts in physics. Let's take a look.

Should I Invest in Bitcoin?

Investing is a deliberate act, guided by the overarching principles of enhancing expected returns or mitigating portfolio risk. Let’s look at Bitcoin to see how cryptocurrency might look like an investment opportunity.

Does Your Workplace Cultivate a Championship Team?

I recently listened to a podcast called, “Invest Like the Best, with Patrick O’Shaughnessy”. The podcast is based on an article written by Michael Lewis in the New York Times Magazine back in 2009, about Shane Battier, a professional basketball player who was the ultimate teammate. 

Chart of the Month – December 2023

This year, we have seen a runup in several large names, mostly in the technology space. They have been dubbed the “Magnificent Seven” by financial news publications. Why might this matter to an investor? 

Past Performance is Not Indicative of Future Results

“Past performance is not indicative of future results.”  Most people think of investing when they hear or read the sentence above, the ultimate statement of caution. What do you think of this statement when it comes to baseball?