Retirement is Just the Start!

We often find ourselves seeking the “finish line” where we no longer need to earn more income. But when it arrives, many folks find they have only just begun to impact the world the way they want.

Round Two: Stimulus Aid Arrives

The aid package was just one part of a larger funding bill, and it contained many provisions, most notably an additional round of direct payments to Americans. 

What’s In Your (Charitable) Toolbox?

Our vision at Foster Group is to influence thousands of individuals, families, and organizations with wise financial counsel while encouraging the pursuit of meaningful living and generous giving. One of the ways we like to do this is by expanding our clients’ giving toolbox.

What’s Your Best Buy: Firm Foundation or Castle In the Air?

If an investor could discover the true worth of a company, a piece of real estate or even an idea, where “true worth” equated to the future value or price that others would pay, success would be almost certain to follow. Those opportunities that were priced significantly lower than the future value would be automatic buys. The one’s with higher prices today than the future price would be ones to avoid. If only it were that simple!

When Fraudsters Strike

If you are a victim of fraudulent activity, securing your compromised identity can be overwhelming. Here are a few critical steps to this process.