Sequence of Return Risk

The first few years of market return during your retirement, could have a large impact on your portfolio and lifestyle. Ross Polking dives into the Sequence of Return Risk and why you should be aware of it.

Should I Invest in Bitcoin?

Investing is a deliberate act, guided by the overarching principles of enhancing expected returns or mitigating portfolio risk. Let’s look at Bitcoin to see how cryptocurrency might look like an investment opportunity.

When Was the Last Time You Reviewed Your 401(k) Plan?

Do you run a small business that provides a 401(k) plan benefit for your employees? Do you ever wonder if you are following all the right steps to ensure that you are meeting your fiduciary responsibilities as a plan sponsor?

Whenever Possible, Don’t Do Dumb Things | Financial Perspectives

We believe that investors increase their chances of success by avoiding predictable mistakes -- those practices that sound like they should work but have been shown time and time again to have very low probabilities of success. This week, Kent Kramer examines different studies to help inform our fifth investment principle.

Who Really Needs a Financial Advisor?

The truth is, I donÆt think everyone needs a financial advisor. In my limited time in the industry, here are some of the reasons I think working with a financial advisor might be a good idea.