Client Survey Results

As we hope you know, our highest priority is to help ensure that your financial life is Truly Cared For®, so that you can live a life of meaning and generosity. The client survey we conducted in November was a critical step in helping ensure that we are serving you well. 

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

We live in a world where many people disagree on almost everything. It is easy to get caught up in our own heads, our own fears, or our own biases.

Earth-Bound Aces Strive for More Than Financial Flyover

Recently, I attended the Kansas City Air Show and witnessed the precision acrobatics of the Navy’s Blue Angels, a team of six intensely trained pilots performing incredible high-flying stunts. Foster Group financial advisors are not known for performing at 10,000 feet, but we are catalysts for positive life change and, unlike static aircraft displays at a two-day event, we will continue our work tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year.

Google Maps Reminded Me I’m Not a Robot

At Foster Group, we believe technology is an incredible asset when it comes to planning and portfolio construction. We also believe that human beings are not robots and determining what to do with your money requires more than an advanced algorithm – as great and helpful as these are.

What the Air Force Taught Me About Being a Financial Advisor

Before I joined Foster Group, I served 24 years as a Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape (SERE) Specialist in the United States Air Force. It might seem like quite the career transition from Airman to Financial Planner. However, the two paths have more in common than one might expect.

When Was the Last Time You Reviewed Your 401(k) Plan?

Do you run a small business that provides a 401(k) plan benefit for your employees? Do you ever wonder if you are following all the right steps to ensure that you are meeting your fiduciary responsibilities as a plan sponsor?

Things to Ponder This Holiday Season

At Foster Group, the most important thing we do is help our clients have peace of mind. The planning, investing and conversations that lead to peace of mind vary from client to client. The benefits, however, are similar.

What Does the World Require of You?

When I was in my early 20’s, I attended a lecture I haven’t forgotten. I don't remember much. But I remember the question it encouraged me to consider: “What does the world require of you?”

What is your Legacy?

We create a legacy through a long series of intentional choices. Discussing things that are more important than investment returns and account allocations, leaning into the heart of things that really matter and put together a plan to achieve those things.

A “Real” Estate – Part One

As a financial advisor for the past 28 years, I’ve been asked about real estate hundreds of times. Every type of real estate carries pros and cons, risks and rewards.

The Three To-Do’s in the Fourth Quarter

The beginning of the fourth quarter is a great time to check-in on your finances and make sure you consider planning opportunities before the end of the calendar year. Read this blog to see my top three priorities when it comes to fourth quarter planning.

Celebrating Saying Goodbye Day

In our family, we have a tradition in which, the night before our kids’ birthdays, we pause for a moment to recap the last year by reminiscing about their successes and failures. It dawned on me that these are the same feelings investors experience and learn from on their financial journeys. 

Time to Revisit Your Cash Reserve Fund

Nearly four out of ten Americans lack enough money to cover an unexpected $400 expense? The statistics on this have remained consistent over the years. One of the first steps in building a strong financial foundation is creating an emergency fund. The idea is to prepare for the unexpected expenses of life. 

Past Performance is Not Indicative of Future Results

“Past performance is not indicative of future results.”  Most people think of investing when they hear or read the sentence above, the ultimate statement of caution. What do you think of this statement when it comes to baseball?

Is Leasing Right for You?

October was the worst month for new car sales at his dealership in over ten years. In fact, only about 10% of car buyers that month were electing to lease new vehicles and typically, leasing is less expensive than buying. What’s going on here?

The Once a Year Approach to Looking at Investments

Last year was a very up and down year in the market. That’s not abnormal. In fact, it’s what happens most years. December 12 was the only time last year that I looked at the numbers. In not looking at the numbers throughout the year, I not only minimized worry, but also created the opportunity for a happy surprise.