IRS Allows for Reversal of 2020 RMDs
In late June, the IRS announced RMDs would be able to be reversed from any account requiring them through August 31st. Since the IRS is allowing this, it presents a potential tax planning opportunity.
SECURE Act Signed Into Law. How Will This Impact Your Plan?
In December 2019, President Trump signed the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act into law. Will it affect you?
Let’s Make 2023 a Year of Savings Inflation
The rising cost of living recently has led the IRS to raise the 2023 contribution limits for employees with 401(k), 403(b), most 457 plans, and the federal government's Thrift Savings Plan.
Happy 401(k) Day! Yes, It’s a Holiday!
Happy National 401(k) Day! As we take today to celebrate 401k’s, it’s important to consider the increasing challenges employees in our country face when it comes to retirement readiness.
Things You Can Do Today to Be Ready for Retirement
We often see a lot in the news about how many people aren’t prepared for retirement. But saving for retirement in a 401k doesn’t have to be scary or complicated.
Secure Act 2.0 Offers a New Retirement “Lost & Found”
A few weeks ago, my colleague, Matt Moklestad, shared a blog about 8 changes from the SECURE Act 2.0. While many of the changes in this legislation are beneficial for employers, there is a lot in this act that is also going to be very beneficial for plan participants.
Retirement Planning: Understanding Your Options | Financial Perspectives
Retirement planning can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. This week, Matt Moklestad and Geoff Christy from Foster Group's Institutional team have a conversation around the retirement plan landscape: what are common questions and what possible actions could you take regarding your plan.
Balance Sheet Liquidity: What Is It? How Do I Approach It?
I am extremely fortunate to work with many different types of clients. Some of my favorite clients are the owners of privately owned businesses. There are always opportunities to have conversations that go well beyond managing investments.
Three Tips to Help Set Yourself up for Retirement
Retirement. It’s something everyone thinks about at some point in their lives. When I see or hear about the people who have retired most effectively, three themes stick out to me. Let’s dive into them.
Why I Hate New Year’s Resolutions
Feed the Beast
What’s Next?
Recently, I came across a TedX talk that featured Dr. Riley Moynes. After retiring from the financial industry, he wrote a book called,” The Four Phases of Retirement”.* Because the talk was helpful for me, I wanted to share the four phases with you.
Webinar: Creating Your Paycheck in Retirement
Joe Bantz and Jason Brown discuss strategies for tapping into your portfolio during retirement.
The Four Uses of Money
Did you know that there are just four uses of money? They are Owe, Grow, Give, and Live.
Discover the Real Meaning of Financial Independence
In my daily work with clients, the question often comes down to, “How much do I need to retire comfortably?” My usual answer is, “How long are you going to live, and what do you want to eat?!”
Retirement is Just the Start!
Retire To do WHAT
Planning and Puppies 101
I bought a puppy back in April, and it has been one of the most challenging things of my adult life. Training a new puppy is hard work and takes a lot of intentionality and thought. The same can be said about building a financial plan. I have a few tips that might help others avoid my mistakes.