What is your Legacy?

We create a legacy through a long series of intentional choices. Discussing things that are more important than investment returns and account allocations, leaning into the heart of things that really matter and put together a plan to achieve those things.

A “Real” Estate – Part One

As a financial advisor for the past 28 years, I’ve been asked about real estate hundreds of times. Every type of real estate carries pros and cons, risks and rewards.

The Three To-Do’s in the Fourth Quarter

The beginning of the fourth quarter is a great time to check-in on your finances and make sure you consider planning opportunities before the end of the calendar year. Read this blog to see my top three priorities when it comes to fourth quarter planning.

Celebrating Saying Goodbye Day

In our family, we have a tradition in which, the night before our kids’ birthdays, we pause for a moment to recap the last year by reminiscing about their successes and failures. It dawned on me that these are the same feelings investors experience and learn from on their financial journeys. 

Time to Revisit Your Cash Reserve Fund

Nearly four out of ten Americans lack enough money to cover an unexpected $400 expense? The statistics on this have remained consistent over the years. One of the first steps in building a strong financial foundation is creating an emergency fund. The idea is to prepare for the unexpected expenses of life. 

Past Performance is Not Indicative of Future Results

“Past performance is not indicative of future results.”  Most people think of investing when they hear or read the sentence above, the ultimate statement of caution. What do you think of this statement when it comes to baseball?

Is Leasing Right for You?

October was the worst month for new car sales at his dealership in over ten years. In fact, only about 10% of car buyers that month were electing to lease new vehicles and typically, leasing is less expensive than buying. What’s going on here?

The Once a Year Approach to Looking at Investments

Last year was a very up and down year in the market. That’s not abnormal. In fact, it’s what happens most years. December 12 was the only time last year that I looked at the numbers. In not looking at the numbers throughout the year, I not only minimized worry, but also created the opportunity for a happy surprise.

How Deep Is Your Bullpen?

You can’t have a championship team without a deep bench at your disposal. Foster Group takes the same approach, while we have a dedicated advisory team for every client we also have advisors with various skill sets that we can pull out of the bullpen and into a meeting at the right time.

What’s Next?

Recently, I came across a TedX talk that featured Dr. Riley Moynes. After retiring from the financial industry, he wrote a book called,” The Four Phases of Retirement”.* Because the talk was helpful for me, I wanted to share the four phases with you. 

The Gift of You

Time is a unique asset. We can’t save it for the future. We spend it with every minute that goes by. But as with other assets, we can be generous with our time. Here are four examples of people I know personally, who inspire me by their active generosity.

The Ruling on the Field is Under (Fiduciary) Review

Today, all sports have adopted official replay and the goal is to: Get the call right. Make the correct decision. Similar in use is the role of a fiduciary financial advisor. Having an objective resource to review one’s situation, incorporate goals, evaluate risks, and utilize precedence helps deliver peace of mind around financial decisions.

Are You Hungry?

Often times, we think about giving to those in need or supporting our favorite non-profit organization(s) at Thanksgiving and Christmas or, with end-of-year gifts. This is great, however, the need to feed is ongoing. So the question, “Are you hungry?” is more about “Are you interested in learning more about how you can become more generous than you already are today?”