Chart of the Month – Aug 2023

Increasing interest rates have many effects, not only on the economy, but also on stocks. Given the recent rally, we wanted to highlight that rising rates do not always mean that stocks will go down. While the stock market is not making new all-time highs just yet, the market has been resilient to a regime thought to be a drag on the markets.

Chart of the Month – December 2023

This year, we have seen a runup in several large names, mostly in the technology space. They have been dubbed the “Magnificent Seven” by financial news publications. Why might this matter to an investor? 

Cars, Planes, and Market Crashes

Since becoming a pilot about 6 years ago, I’m often asked about plane crashes. If you are an investor, the odds of enduring a market crash are almost 100%. Just as I have to do when flying, at Foster Group, we plan ahead for a market correction by using sound planning and investing.

A “Real” Estate – Part One

As a financial advisor for the past 28 years, I’ve been asked about real estate hundreds of times. Every type of real estate carries pros and cons, risks and rewards.

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

We live in a world where many people disagree on almost everything. It is easy to get caught up in our own heads, our own fears, or our own biases.

What’s In Your (Charitable) Toolbox?

Our vision at Foster Group is to influence thousands of individuals, families, and organizations with wise financial counsel while encouraging the pursuit of meaningful living and generous giving. One of the ways we like to do this is by expanding our clients’ giving toolbox.

Bear Markets and Life Jackets

For anyone invested right now, it feels like we’re sinking. But just as boats have lifejackets to keep you afloat, your financial life should have its own lifejackets in place to help keep you from sinking in bear market times like these.