2019 Vectors & Viewpoints Q1
Foster Group Receives Recognition as a 2019 Gallup Great Workplace Award Winner
Can Your Lifeboat Stay Afloat
2019 Vectors & Viewpoints Q2
Timing Isn’t Everything
2019 Vectors & Viewpoints Q3
2019 Vectors & Viewpoints Q4
The Corporate Transparency Act is Here: What you Need to Know
Several frequently asked questions regarding the CTA and its new reporting requirements that will impact millions of business entities and, more specifically, their owners.
Rates, Prices and Inventory: The Entire Housing Market Explained in About Two Minutes
The unprecedented relationship between a breakneck rise in home prices, a tripling in interest rates and historically low inventory levels have painted a landscape in housing that’s never been seen before in history. It’s a cautionary tale for some, and a once-in-a-generation opportunity for others, depending on your perspective. Let’s dive in.
Winning Strategies in a High-Cost Healthcare Market
Small business owners face many challenges in today’s competitive environment. We often hear of the burden rising healthcare costs have on a business’s sustainability, profitability, and ability to attract and retain key talent. Let’s explore some winning strategies that have been implemented by a variety of businesses across the area.
Avoid Being Surprised by Insurance Policy Changes
It’s that time of year — you know, the time when you receive a large envelope from your insurance company with your renewal documents. Do you look at the documents? Check out a few of the items we’re seeing in the marketplace today.
YOLO, Meme, and EMH: What’s Your Investment Style?
Guest Blogger, Marlena Lee, PhD. While it’s not the intended victim of the YOLO traders, will the efficient market hypothesis be a casualty of these events? The answer depends a lot on your definition of efficient markets.
Umbrella Insurance Is Just a Catch All Policy, Right?
Guest Blogger Tim Hibbing. Umbrella policies are becoming more and more popular in our litigious culture.
How a Medicare Supplement Coordinates with the Parts of Medicare
Medicare seems like the Alphabet soup of health insurance. Parts A, B, C, D and then the myriad of supplemental coverage. As Charlie Brown would say, “Good Grief”…. Let’s decipher it here.
Five Myths Your Landlord Wants You To Believe
It can be difficult to discern fact from fiction when dealing with landlords. A misunderstanding of these key issues can have serious consequences for your practice. The following information should help dispel some common myths and prevent costly mistakes in your next lease negotiation.
Medicare Advantage Plans: What is Joe Namath Really Talking About?
In 2006, the Federal government created an alternate design in the Medicare market to complement supplement plans and stand-alone prescription drug plans. They’re called Medicare Advantage plans. Although the start was a bit rocky, carriers have learned and grown with their plan designs. Here are some of the most talked about design concepts of the Medicare Advantage plans.
What Really is the Annual Enrollment Period?
Hopefully, you have read my first two blogs that talked about Medicare Supplement and Drug plans and the difference with Medicare Advantage plan designs. The last of this series will talk about the Annual Enrollment Period and what can really happen here.
Equilibrium Markets in the Time of COVID
Over the years, Foster Group has utilized a number of mutual funds and exchange traded funds managed by Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA). DFA was founded in 1981 on the idea of making academic investment research and empirically based portfolio management accessible to investors. In this article, Professor Kenneth French describes how markets responded to the events surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.
10 Obstacles to Investing – and How to Overcome Them
In the following article David draws on his years of experience talking with investors and academics alike to address some common hesitations all investors face from time to time.