The Once a Year Approach to Looking at Investments

Last year was a very up and down year in the market. That’s not abnormal. In fact, it’s what happens most years. December 12 was the only time last year that I looked at the numbers. In not looking at the numbers throughout the year, I not only minimized worry, but also created the opportunity for a happy surprise.

Planning and Puppies 101

I bought a puppy back in April, and it has been one of the most challenging things of my adult life. Training a new puppy is hard work and takes a lot of intentionality and thought. The same can be said about building a financial plan. I have a few tips that might help others avoid my mistakes.

Mega Backdoor Roth IRAs: What You Should Know

A mega backdoor Roth is a great option to quickly build a tax-free bucket of money for individuals who have maxed out other retirement savings vehicles, still have surplus to be invested, and have a 401(k) plan that allows for this strategy. Consider this an additional tool in your toolbox.